LRA abduction patterns: Shifting away from building fighting capacity with...
The LRA has long been associated with child soldiers, and rightfully so – UNICEF estimates that the LRA has abducted at least 35,000 children since 1986. But LRA Crisis Tracker data on abductions...
View ArticleLRA abduction patterns: Shift in strategy, but capacity for violence remains
Last week we discussed shifts in LRA abduction patterns through the lens of LRA Crisis Tracker data. Primarily, we examined how the LRA seems to be abducting fewer children with the intention of...
View ArticleNYT: Ugandan military, LRA allegedly poaching elephants for ivory
A New York Times article posted today includes extensive allegations that both LRA rebels and the Ugandan military forces pursuing them have recently poached elephants in Congo’s Garamba National Park...
View ArticleElephant poaching claims highlight need for better investigations into LRA...
Yesterday we posted a blog analyzing the New York Times piece on the increase of elephant poaching in central Africa, particularly allegations that both the LRA and the Ugandan military are involved...
View ArticleLRA Crisis Tracker analysis: Since 2010, steady decline in attack fatalities
In the past few weeks we’ve highlighted some trends in the LRA’s abduction patterns (see here and here), specifically how LRA groups have been abducting more adults and less children. Today we’re...
View ArticleFrom the Crisis Tracker: New Security Brief shows seasonal drop in LRA attacks
Invisible Children and The Resolve LRA Crisis Initiative recently released the 2012 LRA Crisis Tracker Quarter 3 Security Brief (you can see the French version here). The brief analyzes LRA...
View ArticleFrom the Crisis Tracker: Good news on defections, but LRA still abducted 517...
via Speaker Deck Today we released the 2012 LRA Crisis Tracker Annual Security Brief. The brief analyzes trends and patterns in LRA activity from January – December 2012 and compares LRA activity...
View ArticleCrisis Tracker quarterly update: LRA releases 28 captives
Today we released the LRA Crisis Tracker January – March 2013 Quarterly Security Brief, which analyzes patterns in LRA activity in the first three months of the year. Key trends in LRA activity,...
View ArticleFirst Contact: Messages from the LRA to local communities
In our most recent research report, Loosening Kony’s Grip: Effective Defection Strategies for Today’s LRA, we explored the rising disillusionment of Ugandan combatants in the LRA. In the Congo, this...
View ArticleCrisis Tracker: Is Kony using the chaos in CAR as a lifeline?
For the past several weeks I’ve been spent countless hours staring at my computer screen, analyzing patterns in LRA activity for our new 2013 LRA Crisis Tracker Annual Security Brief. At some point,...
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